I apologize for not having updated the blog at the regular two day interval this time. I talked to mom on the phone and was very politely reminded that there are expectations attached to that time frame! My roommate and several of our mutual friends are in Dublin for a long weekend, and being alone in the apartment is strange, so I've been spending time wandering around the city and hanging out with the girls downstairs. I have successfully made two loaves of Irish Soda Bread to take on our daytrip to Waterford tomorrow. I expect to be very impressed by crystal!
I meant to mention in the last post, but got frustrated by photograph uploading failure and did not, that I received my first mail the other day. Aunt Patty, Mimi and Poppy sent me a lovely letter complete with photographs of all of us. I immediately attached it to the wall Isee most, right by my desk, and it makes me smile every day.
Despite missing everyone desperately, I have really settled in. My class requires about a book a week in reading, which kills some time, and I have become pretty invested in buying whole foods that are locally produced and trying to feed myself that way, which is time consuming, but, I'm finding, really rewarding. Vegetarianism is inexpensive, but as I adjust to the differences in diet (e.g. needing to replace the protein, etc, normally obtained through meat) I'm finding that it takes some creativity and research to put together balanced meals. I'm glad I like to cook so much!
I did have my first dinner guests - fellow Americans, all - we had potato curry over rice, and every one seemed to enjoy it. Cooking for myself has been satisfying, but I still prefer to feed others!
I hope my sister is at a horse show at this moment. I hear Joey is doing well, and also verifiably misses me, which makes me selfishly glad. I get a little melancholy when I read facebook updates from friends who are starting their K-State semesters, but I am excited about the academic portion of this trip, too. I hope to take a Contemporary Irish Literature Class, and a Visiting Students Irish Culture class; the latter includes trips to hear live music as well as study of literature and film.
Next weekend I see Riverdance! The following weekend is the trip to the island for contemplative walks and journal entries! The following Monday the semester begins, and every weekend through October "the group" and I plan to journey to other parts of Europe. We figure it won't be as doable when classes pick up and become more demanding mid-end of the semester.
Sorry to deliver only the bare bones - I hope to have a more in-depth Waterford post tomorrow or Monday, and a close study of food acquisition in Cork City, Ireland, in the near future. The latter is far more complicated than one might guess, and I think it might interest my wonderful dedicated readers.
Must rest! More WITHIN TWO DAYS, I promise!
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